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shortened image url link

Is very easy to customize that, you only need to tweak the file at app/themes/Peafowl/snippets/embed.php

Tags you can use are:

%DISPLAY_URL%: "http://localhost:8888/images/2019/07/07/ROH.jpg"
%EXTENSION%: "jpg"
%HEIGHT%: "500"
%HOW_LONG_AGO%: "5 minutes ago"
%IMAGE_MIME%: "image/jpeg"
%IMAGE_SIZE%: "51728"
%IMAGE_URL%: "http://localhost:8888/images/2019/07/07/ROH.jpg"
%MEDIUM_URL%: "http://localhost:8888/images/2019/07/07/ROH.jpg"
%THUMB_MIME%: "image/jpeg"
%THUMB_SIZE%: "10626"
%THUMB_URL%: "http://localhost:8888/images/2019/07/07/ROH.th.jpg"
%TITLE%: "ROH.md"
%URL%: "http://localhost:8888/images/2019/07/07/ROH.jpg"
%URL_SHORT%: "http://localhost:8888/image/VIH"
%URL_VIEWER%: "http://localhost:8888/image/VIH"
%USER_URL%: "http://localhost:8888/admin"
%USER_USERNAME%: "admin"
%WIDTH%: "375"

Can you please explain what codes needs to be changed to have our own url short links. xxxxxxx.com to xxxx.com , can you provide the file where you can mention which we have to replace with our short links.


Can you also explain how you achieved that.
I'm sorry, but the system doesn't support short url links so I can't help you to achieve that.