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I can't create page

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Chevereto Member

🎯Description of the issue
Hi, I want to create a blog URL page but please help me

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Create a Page
  2. Fill in details, for example test on all the fields
  3. Press Save and you get a PHP error.

😢Unexpected result

I'm sending visual errors. I want you to check

📃Error log message


  • Return to pages.png
    Return to pages.png
    26.4 KB · Views: 10
  • Return to pages2.png
    Return to pages2.png
    19 KB · Views: 10
I am getting this error when I am making the changes.

Fatal error [400]:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '' for key 'page_internal'
Triggered in /app/lib/classes/class.page.php at line 204

Stack trace:
#0 /app/routes/route.dashboard.php(1160): CHV\Page::insert(Array)
#1 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(232): G\Handler->{closure}(G\Handler)
#2 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(132): G\Handler->processRequest()
#3 /app/loader.php(791): G\Handler->__construct(Array)
#4 /index.php(20): include_once('/app/loader.php')
Hi, did you fix the issues
I don't review issues on weekend, just now I was able to review this one and I'm seeing that you sent me wrong access credentials.

I'm getting this in my FTP console (tried FTP and SFTP):
Command:    PASS **********
Response:    530 Login incorrect.
I've added the Blog page you wanted to add. It seems to be a bug affecting PHP 5.6.4 & SQL 5.5.5-10.1.37-MariaDB.

The problem is that the query is inserting '' (empty string) instead of NULL type.
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