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Private albums accessible to friends?

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Chevereto Member
Hi guys

I've set up a personal gallery with Chevereto and have created a bunch of albums. Most are public but I've made a few of them pivate (with a password). The idea was that I would provide friends and family with this password and they would be able to view the private albums in addition to all the free ones whereas people who simply stumble across my site see only the public content.

The way I envisioned this working was that users who are not me see a full list of the albums and when they click on a private one, they're asked for the password. However, this doesn't seem to be the case - it seems instead that private albums are all hidden from everyone other than myself.

If no-one else can see a private album, then what's the point of it having a password? Because they can't use the password to view the contents of an album they cannot select, and I don't need the password either because as the album owner I'm allowed access by default. The whole concept of the password therefore seems redundant - unless I'm missing something here.

So, my questions:

1. Is it possible to do what I want to do here? If not, is there another way to achieve the same thing?
2. My absolute preferred system would have been to be able to create family accounts and to make them "friends" who then by default get to view the albums that I have made visible to that group - like the way Flickr works. However, it seems Chevereto doesn't have anything like this and that's why I instead came up with the above flow. If however there is a plugin or another way to achieve my first choice then that would be preferred since it removes the need for people to remember a password at all.

Thanks in advance!
So 3 days and 19 views later there have been no replies from the community... so maybe a different question: as a paid user, is there another way to get support on this? Like from the developers themselves? I've looked but I keep getting referred back to here which obviously isn't much help.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, but please notice that there are other topics to address and weekends doesn't count (you posted this on Friday - Thursday 10 PM).

So, you want password protected albums to be listed? To list these so people gets prompt to put the password? That's sounds like how the thing should work.
As I said my passworded albums are completely invisible to anyone who is not logged into my site with my username. As such, no-one gets an opportunity to enter the password to view them. Is there a known cause for this or something I can do to fix it?

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