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Sub url rewrite

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Community Manager
đź’ˇDescribe your suggestion

Create an sub URL rewrite of some sort for languages and users, when a user selects another language like english the url will be "en.cheveretosite.com" and the same for users "username.chevereto.com

đź‘ŹWhere did you saw this?

From another disrespectful site
If I understood you correctly, Chevereto should be able to change from this:

To this:

This is not hard to achieve if you can setup wildcard subdomains in your server. I believe that even cPanel includes that thing now so I don't see any good reason for not including this functionality.

For languages, the thing should be able to resolve the URL and alter the language cookie so the lang URL works as landing + hot setting change. By doing this, all your further navigation will keep the non-lang URL. For usernames, it should $route->map to /users/<username>.

There's no technical limitation here and I think that several users will know how to make the most of this new functionality, I will try to add this soon as possible.
what tomsit is trying to say is, you can't just make Subdomain and then think it will be able to change a language or something else, even script itself needs some coding for the subdomain to listen to script behaviour. Like you mentioned @Rodolfo , this can be done by using some php coding and then few .htaccess rewriting so when you do https://username.domain.com you get location from old path as https://domain.com/username, but you won't be on old url. This would still need some work done in script or the subdomain won't listen to the script itself.
this can be done by using some php coding and then few .htaccess rewriting
No, when it comes to wildcards you don't need any server rewrite for that, just use wildcards in your vhosts/proxy.
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