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About the wrong language name shown in chevereto


Chevereto Member

About the wrong language name shown in chevereto


The name of "繁體中文 ZH-TW Traditional Chinese" is wrong.
"繁体中文" is shown as the name of Traditional Chinese,
but one of the character "体" is not Traditional Chinese.
"体 " is the Simplified Chinese of "體".
The correct name of Traditional Chinese should be "繁體中文".
Please let the default version of class.l10n.php in /app/lib/classes have the correct language name (line 2275).


Best Regard,
Koxle Liu From Hong Kong(Using Traditional Chinese as same as Taiwan)
I don't want to be rude, but I've lost count on how many times this has been changed. Since there are several languages in China, my bet is that this hasn't been changed properly based on language codes.

I will be able to fix this once for all if you can help me by translating this:

'zh' => [
    'code' => 'zh',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '中文',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH',
'zh-CN' => [
    'code' => 'zh-CN',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '简体中文',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (CN)',
'zh-HK' => [
    'code' => 'zh-HK',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '中文 (香港)',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (HK)',
'zh-SG' => [
    'code' => 'zh-SG',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '中文 (新加坡)',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (SG)',
'zh-TW' => [
    'code' => 'zh-TW',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '繁体中文',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (TW)',

Please note that the 'name' must be provisioned in the target language. For example, 'Español' should be used for naming the Spanish language.
In this situation, the name of Traditional Chinese should be replaced with "中文 (台灣)", because the"TW" of "ZH (TW)" means Taiwan(台灣).

'zh' => [
    'code' => 'zh',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '中文',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH',
'zh-CN' => [
    'code' => 'zh-CN',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '简体中文',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (CN)',
'zh-HK' => [
    'code' => 'zh-HK',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '中文 (香港)',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (HK)',
'zh-SG' => [
    'code' => 'zh-SG',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '中文 (新加坡)',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (SG)',
'zh-TW' => [
    'code' => 'zh-TW',
    'dir' => 'ltr',
    'name' => '中文 (台灣)',
    'base' => 'zh',
    'short_name' => 'ZH (TW)',

Additional knowledge: The Chinese language have two major writing system(Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese). Hong Kong and Taiwan are using Traditional Chinese. China is using Simplified Chinese. The piracy problem usually happen in China. It is three different region. I wish you can understand it.
Many product from Hong Kong and Taiwan also face on the piracy problem in China. Hong Kong and Taiwan is under the DMCA Supervision but China usually ignore the DMCA even the government.
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Many thanks for bringing this to my attention. You made me completely changed the opinion that I had about the whole "China" concept.
'Simplified Chinese' => [
    'code' => 'zh-CN','zh-SG',
    'name' => '中文 (中国)','中文 (新加坡)',
    'short_name' => '简体中文',
'Traditional Chinese' => [
    'code' => 'zh-HK','zh-TW',
    'name' => '中文 (香港)','中文 (台灣)',
    'short_name' => '繁體中文',
Use the official languages to distinguish areas of use.
'Simplified Chinese' => [
    'code' => 'zh-CN','zh-SG',
    'name' => '中文 (中国)','中文 (新加坡)',
    'short_name' => '简体中文',
'Traditional Chinese' => [
    'code' => 'zh-HK','zh-TW',
    'name' => '中文 (香港)','中文 (台灣)',
    'short_name' => '繁體中文',
Use the official languages to distinguish areas of use.
Thank you, but I will use the code provided by @koxle. If you have remarks on that code, please use the exact same format of the original php code.