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video upload

  1. Sirmadsen

    YouTube embed

    When adding videos I think it would be a great addition to be able to add videos from popular sites like YouTube by providing a link. Many if not most other cms's and video platforms allow this. It would also help website owners to share videos on a broader scale as they don't have to worry...
  2. SunnyBlueSkies

    Video becomes corrupted when watermark feature is enabled.

    *️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue. ▶ Reproduction steps Step 1: Go into your admin panel --> access watermark settings --> enable watermark --> permit watermark to be enabled for all uploads...
  3. SteveSlusser

    Video Upload Fails

    I keep my upload limit at 64MB (plenty for photos). I use HandBrake to reduce video sizes to below 64MB Uploading an mp4 - only 10MB size looks like it works (0 to 100% quickly), then I get the message "No File have been uploaded. Some errors have occurred and the system couldn't process your...
  4. U

    Issue with Video Uploads in Chevereto - Incorrect Content-Type

    I am experiencing an issue with video uploads in my Chevereto application to external storage s3 bucket where the uploaded video files are incorrectly set with the Content-Type as mp4 but in metadata it shows image/jpeg instead of video/mp4. This issue prevents the video files from loading...
  5. Japerz

    Got "Invalid or unsupported file format." while uploading a video

    While uploading an MOV, MP4 file, it shows a pop-up with "Invalid or unsupported file format.". MOV, MP4, and WEBM file extensions have been enabled under File upload settings. proc_open and proc_close have been removed from Disabled functions in the PHP config. Environment: Chevereto: v4.1.2...
  6. I

    IOS video upload bug

    *️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue. ▶ Reproduction steps Open website with Safari,Chrome in IOS. Try to upload video Select a video file from photos or files. 😢 Unexpected result I got blank...