• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. madlaxcb

    Some video got MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED error.

    Reproduction steps When i try to upload some video , i got an error message MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED , not all video like this , just some . Are there any restrictions on the format or encoding of the video? The info of the media. Format : MPEG-4 Format profile...
  2. Sirmadsen

    YouTube embed

    When adding videos I think it would be a great addition to be able to add videos from popular sites like YouTube by providing a link. Many if not most other cms's and video platforms allow this. It would also help website owners to share videos on a broader scale as they don't have to worry...
  3. S

    How can we disable video download button from the video player if I am using iframe tag

    What method can we use to prevent the video download button from appearing in the video player when using the iframe tag. Controlslist="nodownload" is working in the html video tag but it is not working in iframe. any idea what tag will work in iframe.
  4. alxndr.official

    0RHUX: The Community for Image and Video Enthusiasts!

    Hello dear forum members, Today, I'm excited to introduce you to an exciting new project: 0RHUX. 0RHUX is an emerging platform for anyone looking to share their love for visual art. Whether you're a photographer, videographer, artist, or simply a visual enthusiast, at 0RHUX, you'll find...
  5. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.1.0 announcement

    Hey there, It is my pleasure to announce the ongoing development for Chevereto V4.1.X series which will be focused in video support and the user-based API. The codename for V4.1.X is Pulento, a Chilean word (I'm chilean btw) which means "excellent", "cool", "amazing", "magnificent", "superior"...
  6. Rodolfo

    Upcoming: Video support (v4.1.0)

    Hey there! I'm glad to announce the upcoming availability of Video support in Chevereto V4.1.0. Target release date is April, 20th. Many thanks for your patience and support all these years. Cheers!
  7. H

    Module of shorts video

    💡Describe your Feature request establish a shorts module where short 1-2 minute .mp4 videos are accepted 👏Where did you saw this? It just occurred to me, seeing it on many platforms I think it could add value to the script 🔥Interest outside our community for example...
  8. Rodolfo

    V4 videos (previews)

    Hey there, I've uploaded a lot of videos showing the next Chevereto V4, for those who haven't been able to try the beta this is what you will be experience in your daily use with V4. 👉 You can check the videos on my Vimeo profile. https://vimeo.com/rodber 🤑 Show your support by...
  9. xiaobai

    Willing to pay for customized Chevereto

    I am a user from China, I like the Chevereto program very much, but I think the display on the mobile side needs to be improved. I am willing to pay to customize the China special edition. I hope to increase the support for uploading videos, mainly mp4, and is willing to buy video buffer...
  10. A

    Can anyone make Video Plugin?

    Hi I was wondering if anyone can create an video plugin so I can add videos by link Like YouTube, Vimeo, etc Not an actual upload but with link or embedded code
  11. M

    Anyone successfully modify Cheverato to accept MP4?

    I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this in but I am desperately needing the ability to host MP4 video files as well as images and gifs. Has anyone here played around with this or had any success? I am not talking linking to vimeo or youtube. I mean actually hosting the MP4 files...