• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Wolfspyre

    image and album path/URI/routing question

    I notice that there's a random alphanum string appended to the uri of albums and assets.. This can be somewhat problematic in situations where the random-string matches well-known filetypes ie: .pl Would it be absurd to: allow the administrator/user to elect to have the random-string used as...
  2. F

    error when visiting view link

    Dear user, kindly note that Tech Support is free, but please note: ⚠️ Check hotfixes first ⏳ Ticket response time is within 7 working days if you need a faster response purchase Extra Support 🇨🇱 Support is delivered in CLST working hours 🚧 Tech Support only covers software issues ▶...
  3. RizkiKhaizir

    Button Save Changes Missing in Setting Image Upload

    ⚠ where button SAVE CHANGES in setting image upload, I want to make changes to the upload via the url to make it easier, but the settings can't be done because the save changes button is not on the image upload tab, how to fix it?
  4. A

    Pagination isn't working on views other than default sort.

    🎯Description of the issue I originally had the free version and noticed that the pagination wasn't working for any sort option other than default. Since it works fine in the demo, I decided to go ahead and upgrade. Instead of upgrading my existing install, since I wanted to get to know the...
  5. stiandahl

    Rich links not working, no media previews

    🎯Description of the issue Most of the time, posting links to Discord shows no link previews. They show up extremely rarely, but even the times it does work usually can't be reproduced with the same link. I think the problem is with the metadata, but I could be wrong. Here's a few relevant...