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upload failed

  1. SunnyBlueSkies

    Video becomes corrupted when watermark feature is enabled.

    *️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue. ▶ Reproduction steps Step 1: Go into your admin panel --> access watermark settings --> enable watermark --> permit watermark to be enabled for all uploads...
  2. MedPlex

    Upload images to FTP ends in error (v4.0.0)

    Hey, I just updated to v4 and so far everything is up and running. Only the upload of images to the external FTP data storage now fails, although this worked on v3 without problems. As soon as I stop setting the ftp storage to active and save the images locally, everything works fine again. I...
  3. K

    Upload image from urls failed.

    Hi Support. I am trying to upload this url, it cannot upload. ▶ Reproduction steps upload frome url. https://img.manga168.com/images/Over-60_Page_01.jpg 😢 Unexpected result Some errors have occured and the system couldn't process your request. 📃 Error log message
  4. E

    External storage error. FTP & SFTP

    Unable to add SFTP account. You cannot upload images when external storage is enabled as FTP, but when it is disabled, uploading works. Uploading works fine when I manually create the missing FTP folder. ▶ Reproduction steps Try to add SFTP storage. Upload image when external storage is...
  5. A

    Request Denied When Uploading Using Web Interface

    🎯Description of the issue On Chevereto Free, uploading images through the web interface was fine and dandy. On the latest Chevereto Paid version, I have a random issue. Uploading through the web interface is fine except when I keep my browser tab open for around an hour with no activity, then...
  6. logancollman

    Server error upon attempting upload

    🎯Description of the issue Server error when trying to upload as logged in user, or otherwise. ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps go to gyfzy.com and click upload in the upper right browse for image, select one, and click upload. Error returns 😢Unexpected result Server Error: beermug.png - Server error...