• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Imagelli

    Language subdomain nightmares.

    Hi Chevies, I have created subdomains for all the languages I wish to use and they're pointing to the same script location. I have also enabled language subdomains: 1) The problem is that when I access my site through any of the language subdomains, it's in English unless I change the...
  2. yook

    hi i accidentally used my main website for the installation of chevereto and i would like to change it to a different domain.

    hi i accidentally used my main website (redacted) for the installation of chevereto and i would like to change it to a different domain, how would i go about doing that? ive searched through the settings for a while now and im finding no way. even if i could just make the homepage into a...
  3. ploedman

    Move current subdomain setup to parent domain

    Greetings, I want to move my current subdomain chevereto (x.foo.bar) installation, to the parent domain (foo.bar). How is the best practice to do this, without breaking the installation. I'm going to move all the files and contents to the parent one (using Plesk's Website Copy function). The...
  4. G

    Incorrect subdomain behaviour

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Setup Chevereto at a third level domain (I.E. img.domain.com) Create a wildcard DNS certificate for the fourth level domain (I.E *.img.domain.com) (https optional) Go to Dashboard > Settings > Routings and enable "Username subdomain" Description states "Enable to use...
  5. Youssef

    The subdomains of language do not work

    👉 Language subdomains do not work I downloaded the latest version of chevreteo beta 5 ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Go to Dashboard> Settings> Addressing and enable language subdomains I replaced .dev / local with my domain name in the htacess file. When I go to https://de.domain.com I have this...