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sub albums

  1. mikaa

    Confirmed Number of file inside album/sub-album

    ▶ Reproduction steps Visit a user profile > Check an album with sub-albums. 😢 Unexpected result Not sure if it's a bug, but when we check the number of file on an album, the album only shows the number of files in itself and doesn't take into account the files in a sub-album (which can make...
  2. mikaa

    Moving image in a sub-album

    ▶ Reproduction steps Create or go to an album and upload/choose an image. Try to move this image from this album to a sub-album. 😢 Unexpected result The thumbnail of the album will not be set by default as the cover in the targeted sub-album (it works if you manually upload an image in the...
  3. mikaa

    Album Hierarchy View

    💡Describe your Feature request Hello, My idea is to add a feature to display a tree/list of the person's various albums on their profile (with perhaps the possibility of also displaying the list of sub-albums). The screenshot proposed below by @ashkir illustrates my idea. 👏Where did you...
  4. fweise

    All albums shown under sub albums

    🎯Description of the issue All albums are being shown when clicking the "Sub albums" tab under any album. ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Go to any album. Select the "Sub albums" tab. 😢Unexpected result Instead of only the album's sub albums, ALL albums will be displayed. --- I guess it has...