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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. swipe

    Can't upload more than 2MB photos, but only on SSL

    Hi, Apologies if I miss any details. I will try to be as descriptive as possible. My problem is that I cannot upload big images on my site, but only if i'm using SSL. If I use an unsecure connection, bigger images will go through. I have a VPS with a nginx reverse proxy pointing my domain...
  2. W

    Unable to enable HTTPS

    Looking for a bit of help, and excuse me for knowing just enough about Linux to be dangerous and certainly not enough to figure my way out of this one. I am running an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server with a totally fresh install, updated/upgrade right after install and rebooted. I ran the prepare.sh...
  3. Lenawa

    SSL Question

    Hello I have SSL certificate installed on my website . so it is https://www.hddbunker.com the problem is when users login using hddbunker.com the site will look like unsecure . Check this image uploaded without https : http://hddbunker.com/image/0qwG I tried to set from dashboard force...
  4. F

    Did i will lose images path on other websites if i change from http:// to https:// ?

    I have hosted over 700,000 images and before i think 30 days i have turn my website to https:// i activate SSL from cpanel. Now i have question. Did example 680,000 images with old path http:// which is located on other websites when user click on image will not go to image url, because now my...
  5. sprindesk

    reCAPTCHA not working on ssl .

    Hello , How to fix reCAPTCHA issue for ssl website " http://prntscr.com/f8i6pn " the screenshot is taken from " /page/contact " page . Regards AZAHAR AHMED
  6. K

    Openstack Swift + SSL

    I have Chevereto configured for a public container on my Openstack environment. Everything is good until I try to view the image after it has been uploaded. Image uploads just fine, shows up in the container, thumbnail shows up in the gallery, but I get a page not found when I click on the...
  7. bee

    SSL database connection

    Hi. What did I need to change to use a db connection through SSL? After last night my database crashed again, I want to test the SQL server from Google Cloud. There is an option to enable SSL connections to the SQL server and I want to try this. Connections without SSL works fine - but when my...
  8. S

    https Do not operate the image

    https://dorama.pro/ Do not operate the images, http://dorama.pro/ all good help plis
  9. F

    Error Over SSL Request

    Am using chevereto on applying over ssl plan whenever i shift domain from http to https ... shows mixed error problem and index doesnot loads properly Please tell me how to solve this issue