• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Rhagarth

    Completely Disable Contact Form

    Good Day, Is there a way to completely disable the contact form on my Chevereto site? I am getting tons of spam and, unfortunately, it's not only 'bots so reCaptcha doesn't help. Thank you for your help!
  2. M

    Akismet Dashboard Editing User

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction Dashboard user editing. When editing a user profile (via dashboard). 😢Unexpected result Spam can become deleted when trying to edit a user profile. Example case: A member signed-up as spam to boost SEO (with bio and website info). When trying to remove (clear) via editing the...
  3. I

    SPAM upload

    🎯Description of the issue I have a problem with a spammer who uploads pictures to my site. Spammer uploads: several dozen images anonymously every hour; 3 or 4 different pictures which have different random file names at every upload; from different ipv4 from the pools /22- /24 at every...
  4. T

    I disabled the registration feature, but Spam can still be registered.

    I am sure I disabled the registration function. but Spam can still be registered account. I am troubled by Chinese Spam, They use the Spam tool to register countless accounts, and the IP is different. video Edited. Please don't embed giant images into posts.