• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. alxndr.official

    0RHUX: The Community for Image and Video Enthusiasts!

    Hello dear forum members, Today, I'm excited to introduce you to an exciting new project: 0RHUX. 0RHUX is an emerging platform for anyone looking to share their love for visual art. Whether you're a photographer, videographer, artist, or simply a visual enthusiast, at 0RHUX, you'll find...
  2. sprindesk

    Add a option for NSFW only we can trun off social media sharing.

    Add an option for NSFW only - we can turn off social media sharing for NSFW content. Since adult content sharing to social networks will cause domain blacklisted by social media. I hope this will improve sharing feature.
  3. knightsguard

    Pic Castle

    Hello! My name is Christian and I am the owner of Pic Castle, a free photo sharing/image hosting website. I have personally been coding and in the webmaster industry since 2005. We launched approx. 2 months ago and currently have 5,000+ photos (5.7GBs) hosted on our local hostgator servers...
  4. sprindesk

    [3.20] Social media share directly from listing page

    Social media share directly from listing page like " http://pinthis.pixelbeautify.com/ "
  5. P

    gifs.cloud - upload & search for new funny gif images!

    gifs.cloud upload gifs | discover new funny gifs | share gif images
  6. P

    PasteUpload.com - Copy and Paste to Upload Images

    PasteUpload.com is an image host where you can paste photos from your clipboard to upload them! Ctrl+V or choose a file to add an image for free unlimited hosting with no ads or downtime! Features: Copy and Paste Images Ctrl + V to Upload Unlimited Image Sharing Share Pictures Photo Hosting...
  7. ronaldst


    I've been running this site as hobby project for about a year now. More or less default Chevereto. Running on a very stable and fast host located in EU and I welcome any user who find image sharing useful. https://sharplr.com
  8. bobbysamai

    Add Instagram sharing option to photo page

    Would it be possible to add an Instagram sharing link to the photo page link you have facebook and twitter?
  9. A

    Add Whatsapp social sharing link

    Hello, everyone knows that Whatsapp become the most famous social networking app in the world . and its good opportunity to market your service in Whatsapp as it will boost your visitors counts. I managed successfully to add whatsapp sharing link by adding the following code in share_links.php...