Describe your feature request
I have ran this suggestion past @Rodolfo if it would be possible to add this request if enough members show interest.
This RFC which I am suggesting is to enable the option to serve your images/files outside of /public_html to inside your server to stop non...
💡Describe your Feature request
An option to stick images to the topper left, like an announcement or advertising.
👏Where did you saw this?
Nowhere, just felt like it's cool to have some sort of announcement and the best option in my opinion was one (or multible) sticky (and highlighted) post...
Dear community,
This is a reminder about voting on any of the RFC you care about for Chevereto development. You can go to the RFC section.
I've disabled in that forum the post reactions feature as it was being confused as +1 voting. Sorry about that, didn't noticed the low voting activity...
Hey there,
During the journey of developing this software I have implemented about 499 suggestions and at this time there are 655 suggestions that are still pending. I value a lot when someone writes about my software, and I value more when those using the software want the software to improve...