• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.2.1

    Chevereto 4.2.1 2024-11-04 🐬 Added MySQL compatibility for Tags 🏷️ Tag input added to uploader form 🕷️ Increased Project Arachnid Shield timeout 📱 Mobile listing now displays checkbox ✅ API now supports use_file_date parameter 🐞 Fixed bug in API route 🐞 Fixed bug in API URL upload 🐞 Fixed bug...
  2. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.2.1 announcement

    Hey everyone, I’m excited to share the latest Chevereto release, which addresses the MySQL tags incompatibility and other issues that folks have reported here and at chevereto/chevereto. Your feedback has been super helpful, so thanks a bunch! Here are the development notes for Chevereto...