• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Mashiro

    Replace the Recaptcha API domain

    For the political reason, https://www.google.com is not accessible in Mainland China. Now, as you can imagine, the Recaptcha API (https://www.google.com/recaptcha) is not accessible for Chinese visitors. But it was not all Google's services been blocked in China, eg. https://www.google.cn and...
  2. D

    Feature request: hCaptcha support

    💡Describe your idea Moving from reCAPTCHA to hCaptcha 👏Where did you saw this? https://blog.cloudflare.com/moving-from-recaptcha-to-hcaptcha/ 🔥Interest outside our community Additional monetization: Earn money for human solves https://docs.hcaptcha.com
  3. haozi

    Some advices

    In China, Recaptcha may not work, but we can use Geetest. Its website is https://www.geetest.com/en .I think adding it to Chevereto is a good choice.
  4. DeCysos

    Problems with (Cookie) reCaptcha & Chrome 78 & Cookiebot

    [DE] Ich habe das Problem das ich bei aktiviertem reCaptcha und der Nutzung von Chrome 78.0.3904.97 in der Entwickler-Console einige Fehler bzgl des Cookies von reCaptcha erhalte. Desweiteren wird das reCaptcha dadurch nicht angezeigt. Ich habe die Captcha Funktion vorerst deaktiviert. Leider...
  5. M

    ReCaptcha Error - Now no user or admin can log in

    🎯Description of the issue Got some emails from users about Recaptcha. Checking in on my website I noticed that the recaptcha form is not working as should. It has an error that is displayed. Once I enter test credentials it does not allow me to log in. I have not changed anything, I have not...
  6. anyilin

    How to disable recaptcha without using the background panel?

    🎯Description of the issue How can I disable recaptcha without using the background panel? I am the only administrator, but I can't log in. It says I am a robot. The website is now in maintenance mode. I am logging out after setting it to maintenance mode in the background, but I can't log in...
  7. bee

    reCaptcha v3 not working

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Get reCaptcha keys for v3 Add new keys to Chevereto Change version 😢Unexpected result Error message of reCaptcha on contact page. 📃Error log message [Provide any relevant error log entry. You may check our documentation for help on this]
  8. sprindesk

    reCAPTCHA stop working on my site

    Since i update to 3.9 , reCAPTCHA stop working on my site . " https://picglory.com/page/contact " please provide the solutions .
  9. sprindesk

    reCAPTCHA not working on ssl .

    Hello , How to fix reCAPTCHA issue for ssl website " http://prntscr.com/f8i6pn " the screenshot is taken from " /page/contact " page . Regards AZAHAR AHMED
  10. 2ce


    Hi there! How can I get a new reCAPTCHA look? I think it is called "Invisible" - Chevereto is using it. My script shows just an old one. Thank you