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  1. gareth.uk

    Posting a new photo to a password-locked album removes its password and makes it publicly accessible

    *️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue. ▶ Reproduction steps Create a password-protected album and upload some photos to it Observe that when attempting to view that album in a private tab (with no...
  2. Koloman78

    hide password protected album

    Hi, is it possible to hide a password protected album like the "Private" one? the website is running in single user mode, and i need a mor secure way to share pics than hide the album only... but every time i set a password, you can ses it in the album overview . /steffen
  3. Che

    Bulk importer and user password

    One simple question: what is the password of the user which was added by bulk importer (just by directory name)? Is it strong? Is is possible to login by that user without edit user's account before? p.s. I've tried to find something in the database, bulk importer log and docs but I didn't.
  4. anmolgill

    Recover admin Password

    Hi Rodolfo Can you please help me to recover admin password as my website is not sending recovery mail i have tried lots time Freshpic.xyz username gary Thanks for help
  5. H

    Password protect not working

    I noticed this issue today when I was about to give someone a demo on the newly released Password protected albums. I created an album and set a password. Behold I wanted to access the album after logging out and I was able to access the whole album unlike what I saw at demo.chevereto.com...