• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. H

    Module of shorts video

    💡Describe your Feature request establish a shorts module where short 1-2 minute .mp4 videos are accepted 👏Where did you saw this? It just occurred to me, seeing it on many platforms I think it could add value to the script 🔥Interest outside our community for example...
  2. xiaobai

    Hope to support mp4

    We hope to increase support for video and wechat in China. It seems that China's wechat blocks chevereto, and chevereto users can't upload files in wechat.
  3. xiaobai

    Willing to pay for customized Chevereto

    I am a user from China, I like the Chevereto program very much, but I think the display on the mobile side needs to be improved. I am willing to pay to customize the China special edition. I hope to increase the support for uploading videos, mainly mp4, and is willing to buy video buffer...
  4. M

    MP4 Uploading

    This is a critical option for me. Anyone have any luck implementing MP4 uploading?
  5. M

    Anyone successfully modify Cheverato to accept MP4?

    I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this in but I am desperately needing the ability to host MP4 video files as well as images and gifs. Has anyone here played around with this or had any success? I am not talking linking to vimeo or youtube. I mean actually hosting the MP4 files...