• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. DeCysos

    Indicator for content to be moderated

    💡Describe your Feature request go to /dashboard/settings/image-upload activate a option: Moderate uploads If someone uploads a new image, this must first be manually activated by a moderator or admin so that this is visible to all. Well, the moderator or admin unfortunately gets nothing of it...
  2. M

    Change the display of uploaded photos in the admin panel

    I spend a lot of time moderating uploaded content, I would like to see photos in the list and in thumbnail so that I can view more photos in a short time
  3. Nikolay Nikolov

    I want to upload images in a given user profile, while logged as administrator

    🎯Description of the issue I want to upload images in a given user profile, while logged as administrator. Is that possible already? If not, can it be implemented? ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Login as admin. Go to user profile. Try to upload picture. 😢Unexpected result Uploaded images go to...
  4. P

    How to moderate and approve the photos

    Hi I have installed chevereto script. I have gone through the documentation but still i have some quires How can i moderate the flag images Is admin can approve the images of image uploaded by the customer How can i show the repeated images in a page How can i add a tags to the Image Thanks
  5. F

    Admin panel before purchase

    Hello I have one important question. How can we see admin panel demo before buy? I want to check how look like,did have options to delete unwanted images,user must register before image go alive, bad word filter for title and description etc. Thanks