• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Neto98

    Error al cambiar de hosting y actualizar

    Saludos a todos, recientemente cambien de alojamiento y transferí todo a mi otro hosting y configure la la misma BD en app/config.php y cargo bien y mostro las imágenes pero ahorita trate de actualizar y me dio un error y recargue y apareció este error ahora. Aw, snap! Internal Server Error...
  2. G

    Easiest way to move from Flickr to Chevereto

    Hi all, I have been a Flickr pro member for many years and I have decided it is time to move on. Long story short, I have installed Chevereto, as I think it does what I want it to do. However, I would also like to switch my photostream of almost 4500 photos over from Flickr to my self-hosted...
  3. Youssef

    Development Questions regarding the chevereto script

    @Rodolfo Hello I want to migrate my site to another script and my developer asks me and asks me several questions about chevereto to migrate this : How does Chevereto store the images ? How does Chevereto manage metadata about the images (and albums ? How to export all images with their data...
  4. C

    General Question before buying

    Hello, a few questions: 1) is a plugin available for a paid group´s , handle the upload size and more ? 2) is a migration of other upload script possible, I would like to take over my old users and data. But it fails at the mysql Here a Sample: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ihs_bilder_daten` (...
  5. sprindesk

    will it work if we transfer sftp images to another server sftp account ?

    will it work if we transfer sftp images to another server sftp account? if we have an external storage SFTP " A " in hosting " X " where we have live photos on the website and we want to change hosting for some reason can we move the contents of " A " to another hosting " Y " with a new SFTP...
  6. W

    Moving From Another Script

    Hello I am php developer who have developed an custom image gallery script for my own use. Every image has category,tags and nsfw entry in database table. So i want to know any way i can move all those images to this script ?