• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0.12

    Chevereto 4.0.12 2024-03-12 ✅ Added cipher (encryption) to album password ✅ Added hidden (click to show) album password 🐞 Fixed bug in entrypoints/index.php 🐞 Fixed bug in API route 🐞 Fixed bug in Dashboard route 🐞 Fixed bug in Settings route 🐞 Fixed bug in Signup route 🐞 Fixed bug in G\Handler...
  2. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0.12 announcement

    Hey there, I'm confirming the development for Chevereto v4.0.12, this one focuses on fixing album passwords and several bugs which I've detected during the last few weeks. Stay tuned for updates.