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local storage

  1. S

    trying to use a digitalocean droplet volume to expand site storage but getting 404 errors on all new uploads.

    I've managed to mount the volume as a Local Storage and made sure to give it chmod 777 permissions. it has been set as active and to use https, but all newly uploaded images respond as 404's. How do I resolve this?
  2. U

    Help adding external storage via local api

    Hello, I'm running ubuntu 24.04 on a system with 2 hard drives, one OS drive with 500gb and one storage with 18tb. I'm wanting to link my server to the storage drive since that is where most of my space is. When I try to add it in external storage it tells me "Path [path] is not writeable...
  3. A

    Setting up "Local storage" with local NAS

    Hi guys, I have tried and failed and tried again, but to no avail... I am trying to set up an area on my NAS server as local storage for my uploaded Chevereto images. I have tried both "Local" option and "FTP", with the ordinary "Local" only giving me errors as I am not able to understand what I...
  4. comss

    Local storage is reduced with the use of external storage

    Please give us a hint on the following question. We have connected an external storage, it works perfectly, but we have found that the files for each image are stored on the local server as well. The image that is Referer for the rest of the options (bb codes, etc.). As a result, when a large...
  5. cingjp

    When I set the local storage space, the prompt is: error: can't work in target directory - check your input parameters

    👉Fill out this template accordingly with the issue you are experiencing. Add relevant files if needed. 🚧🚦Don't @mention to grab attention. Don't edit the titles of this template. Remove this paragraph when done. 🎯Description of the issue [When I set the local storage space, the prompt is...