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  1. U

    Can't enter license key after updating to v4.1.3

    *️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue. ▶ Reproduction steps Update container to v4.1.3 Attempt to "Enter license" on the website. Enter license popup does not appear. 😢 Unexpected result Enter...
  2. C

    How do I add my v4 license to docker?

    I've got my instance set up following the docker guide here: https://v4-docs.chevereto.com/guides/docker/ I've created my admin account and have everything up and running. However, I cannot for the life of me find a place in the admin UI to input my v4 license and upgrade. If anyone can point...
  3. W

    Unknown Error when attempting to update to V3.20.14. After being asked for my V3 licence key, the installer errors out and does not complete.

    Dear user, kindly note that Tech Support is free, but please note: ⚠️ Check hotfixes first ⏳ Ticket response time is within 72-hours if you need a faster response purchase Extra Support 🇨🇱 Support is delivered in CLST working hours 🚧 Tech Support only covers software issues ▶ Reproduction...
  4. P

    license key

    I have paid a core license by paypal, i have received a mail confirmation and in my profile appears "core license" but i need the license key to upgrade the version i have installed on my server, where can i find it?
  5. S

    License page not working in panel

    I'm trying to set up a new instance, but when I try to go to https://chevereto.com/panel/license to get my license key, it redirects to https://chevereto.com/panel/ as if I was trying to download. The license link in the panel is the same, there doesn't seem to be any way to actually view the...
  6. S

    Invalid License Key when change the domain

    Hi, I just change the domain I used originally with the purchase. The old domain was not for the photo hosted site anymore. The site still on the same host just change domain. Is it possible to change domain or it stuck and I have to purchase a new license key? "09:42:26 Can't download v3.9.0...
  7. DevBox

    Awaiting license activation

    Hi, all, especially to chevereto staff, just ordered my license, I am awaiting my license activation to download my application. Could you please check paypal transaction: Edited. And update my status, thanks.
  8. A

    License-System for own project

    Hey guys, actually i'm working on a software, which i want to sell to customers with different licenses: lifetime period of time trial These are the base-versions of licenses i've in my mind. My question ist: 1. Would you develop a system, which does this job or is there an existing system...
  9. madlaxcb

    I paid for license but didn’t receive it

    I just bought the network bundle , but I don't receive any license. Could you please check the procedure. Thanks