• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

    • 😌 This community is user driven. Be polite with other users.
    • 👉 Is required to purchase a Chevereto license to participate in this community (doesn't apply to Pre-sales).
    • 💸 Purchase a Pro Subscription to get access to active software support and faster ticket response times.


  1. pebro

    Bulk content importer - categories

    💡Describe your Feature request There is a great feature in the administration (/dashboard/bulk) that allows you to import to a user or album. But there is no function of importing images into categories (which are created in the administration). This very important feature is missing here and...
  2. G

    Easiest way to move from Flickr to Chevereto

    Hi all, I have been a Flickr pro member for many years and I have decided it is time to move on. Long story short, I have installed Chevereto, as I think it does what I want it to do. However, I would also like to switch my photostream of almost 4500 photos over from Flickr to my self-hosted...
  3. LibreArbitre

    Upload images by adding our hosting server URL in front of image URL

    💡Describe your Feature request To permit to simply upload an image by adding the image hosting service URL in front of the image actual URL, like: Source image URL: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/04/23/22/00/tree-736885_1280.jpg Way to import it...
  4. S

    Can I use API to upload to particular album(not user)?

    Hi there everyone! The bulk importer is not quite robust or feature rich to manage my images uploaded from my phone so I'm hoping to write a script run via cron that will upload to a album titled "Autoupload" that's marked private. I see in the API documentation that I can override the route...