• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. user_0e51c

    Error: "Imagick WEBP image type support is not enabled."

    Dear user, kindly note that Tech Support is free, but please note: ⚠️ Check hotfixes first ⏳ Ticket response time is within 7 working days if you need a faster response purchase Extra Support 🇨🇱 Support is delivered in CLST working hours 🚧 Tech Support only covers software issues ▶...
  2. BlackOwlOnline

    Imagick WEBP image type support is not enabled

    Hello Chevereto community, Fairly new to Chevereto, and I’m getting the following error when attempting to install the app: “Imagick WEBP image type support is not enabled.” Having spoken to my hosting provider, they say: “We would use GD over Imagick on our platform and we cannot use both due...
  3. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v3.18.1

    Chevereto v3.18.1 Released on February 11th 2021 Improves extension requirements checking Fixed incorrect watermark process [12408] Fixed oEmbed display when using consent screen [12593] Fixed SQL bug when moving multiple images to album [12990] Fixed fatal error on listings [12991] Check...
  4. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v3.18.0

    Chevereto v3.18.0 Released on January 21st 2021 Added support for Imagick extension (ImageMagick) Added support for nested albums in Bulk Importer Improved support for NFS mounts (localstorage) Improved image resizing, thumbs, watermarks and encoding using Intervention Improved remove Exif...