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image upload

  1. A

    Portrait Image uploaded from mobile is stretching weirdly

    As the title says when I upload pictures from my phone camera in portrait mode st stretches the picture. portrait image link from phone camera: https://piclaya.com/image/16211579251171326809337356936527.OMxkA landscape image link from phone camera...
  2. lanbin

    Images.vg - Image Hosting Service

    Welcome to image-sharing website Images.vg Direct Links Image link - https://images.vg/ Image URL - https://cdn.image.vg/ Cloud Hosting KVM 48GB Memory 12 vCPUs 960GB SSD Disk + Spaces Datacenter Region Amsterdam Software Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64 Nginx+Apache PHP 7.4.5 MySQL 8.0.20...
  3. DeCysos

    Request refused if I don't do anything on the site for too long

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Dashboard -> Settings -> Image Upload --> Upload user interface SET On-page container Go to youre Site (example: https://pfs.red) & Login Upload a Picture (use this button) stay on the page (keep tab open) for 1 hour (no less) (Do nothing in the time in the TAB) Upload an...
  4. tomsit

    TinyPic being shut down by Photobucket (doors closing September 16.)

    TinyPic.com reports on their homepage that they are shutting down. Letting users know they have a limited time to download their images without bulk download possibility (doors are closing September 16.) This must be a nightmare to their dedicated users as they cannot download all their images...
  5. vsexmogushiy

    imaheshost.ru - clean and minimal

    We opened 22 February 2017 We worked as a regular image hosting (old.imageshost.ru) the whole 8 years. But when we saw chevereto - we just gasped at how everything is simple and fast, and now we are ready to present an updated image hosting imageshost.ru. However, we were a blog, and as you...
  6. bobbysamai

    Scroll during mobile image upload

    When you're browsing on mobile device, I noticed that it's not very intuitive on what to click to select an image that's already on your phone. I see links for "take a picture" or "add image URLs" but you don't see "upload from your device" I know you have to click the box and arrow image, but...
  7. nick2

    Full Size Image not Updating upon Replacement

    I am running Chevereto 3.8.8 as Admin. I tried to replace an existing 'old' image (ID= 1010 (EkVM)) with a retouched version of the same image 'new'. Both the old and new image have the same file name. I use 'Delete Image' to remove the 'old' image, confirm deletion and then upload new image...
  8. nick2

    Album Gallery View Images not Updating

    I am using 3.8.8 version of Chevereto. In one album, I had several .jpg image files which I deleted and then uploaded replacement files with the exact same file type and name as the images that were deleted. When I view the smaller version of the newly uploaded images in 'My Profile' or in...