• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. T

    Disallow Hotlinking Outside Of Certain URL's

    Via cPanel I have hotlink protection enabled. This works properly for my main URL (the community website) but for the images url (the chevereto installation) it does not work (and yes it is enabled for that domain as well). Main Install: mysite.com Chevereto Install: images.mysite.com PHP...
  2. E

    WHM/cPanel Hotlink Protection Negated .htaccess & Cron

    Hi, WHM/cpanel techs discovered this issue while investigating the reason for the htaccess protection not working on my site. The .htaccess file in the /images folder is overriding the whm/cpanel .htaccess hotlink protection and allowing images to be hotlinked. When the images/.htaccess file...
  3. P

    Getting rid of "Direct links"

    Hello, I'd like to get rid of (or hide) the "Direct links" block (screenshot attached) to avoid using it by members. Is there a way to do it? Are there any plans to add an option of hiding code fields bundled in future versions? Thanks.
  4. dwhs

    How do you disable all the embed codes?

    Hello, I disabled hot linking on the site so there is no point having the forum links or image direct links. How can I remove the section or change it to only link to the image page?
  5. Web Host Pro

    How do you stop hotlinking on external websites

    We want to just allow the images to be seen on the pages not on other websites. Is there an option in the program to block any images from being hotlinked?
  6. dwhs

    Image throttle

    Every time I activate the site someone just posts an image on some insane site and causes my site to overload and then I have to shut it down. I need a hotlink size limit and view limit. Something to protect the site from overloading.