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  1. P

    Add a forum or blog?

    Hello Rodolfo My homepage is your script. It works just fine. However, I want to add a forum to my main domain address and the forum does not allow me to install it. I talked to the server support team. He said this was caused by .httacess. i.e. in the chevereto file. When I change the name...
  2. L

    No upload button with Vanilla forum's 'Rich' editor

    I think the 'Rich' editor is a recent addition and now it's the new default in the latest Vanilla forum v.3.3. It's a simpler editor geared for mobile use, and with that editor enabled, the upload button won't display on a desktop, tablet, or mobile. The theme in use is the default theme -...
  3. L

    Uploader calls the Demo site's default login on ProBoard forum

    I don't know if this would qualify as a true bug, given where the script is inserted, but the behavior doesn't match the expected result. ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps [LIST=1] Select the copy/paste code from the PUP page using any choice of options; where the URL strings are properly set to the...