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docker compose

  1. Wolfspyre

    Allow the user to use docker secrets to inform chevereto of the db userpass, in addition to existing envvar option.

    Describe your feature request Provide a mechanism to configure the database userpassword from a docker secret Currently, the prescribed mechanism to convey the database user credentials to containerized chevereto is via a docker envvar. While this works well enough, as MySQL supports the...
  2. PaulGit

    V3 Docker Compose + Bulk Import

    I have successfully built my own V3 docker image from the repository https://github.com/chevereto/v3-docker-production. From my initial testing, all seems to work very well and I can see the data volumes for storage and databases. Where I have failed is on the bulk-importing, I cannot see where...
  3. NDBoost

    I am unable to access chevereto as a docker container, when its reverse proxied behind nginx, is there an environment variable that i need to set

    to tell the chevereto docker container that it's being proxied and to use it instead of ... 'localhost:8830'? ▶ Reproduction steps I am running the httpd-php.yaml docker-compose file per this guide (however I'm using portainer to deploy it as a stack with my existing sql container) I have...
  4. zaywalker

    [Guide] Docker paid version with nmtan/chevereto:installer and real ip fix (reverse proxy).

    It's a bit tricky to use nmtan/chevereto:installer with the docker hub instruction. Because when docker container down and up, the html data is gone. So, you need to mount "/var/www/html" not "/var/www/html/images". first of all, my server runs with debian buster and chevereto docker compose...