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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. BollyHolic

    How to Delete Images via API

    I am unable to find docs for API to delete images. Please guide me how can I delete Images via API. I have created an api app and now their are 2lakhs images in server and I need to empty some space by deleting specific images. Thank You
  2. T

    External Storage delete images does not work (FTP)

    Hi, I recently upgraded to the latest version, but When I delete an image from the external storage that is deleted from chevereto but not from the FTP. chv_queues: pending Thank you
  3. T

    How can I delete images in bulk with MySQL query?

    I need to delete all the images of a user, But this user has a lot of images(1M). How can I delete images in bulk with MySQL query? In new version(3.13.2), this tips isn’t valid. https://chevereto.com/community/threads/purge-guest-images-older-than-specific-date-with-sql-query.10660/ Thank...
  4. micha777

    automatic delete-time

    Hi, where I can change automatic delete times? I wish up to 2 years. Related to this: Its possible to set a auto delete for non viewed images? Means as example: image has zero views into set it up time will be deleted automticly