• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. mikaa

    Banner for Album

    💡Describe your Feature request It might be cool to be able to put a banner at the top of album pages. like the one behind PFP on the main profile, but customizable for each album. 🔥Interest outside our community This is in line with the RFC I proposed for album thumbnails/covers.
  2. xiaobai

    Willing to pay for customized Chevereto

    I am a user from China, I like the Chevereto program very much, but I think the display on the mobile side needs to be improved. I am willing to pay to customize the China special edition. I hope to increase the support for uploading videos, mainly mp4, and is willing to buy video buffer...
  3. sprindesk

    How do i can create New theme ?

    Hello , I just have bought the script . So i want to create new theme by myself . were can i get theme development guide ? how to enable debug mod ? how to put custom css , js in theme or site . How to use svg logo ? Regards AZAHAR AHMED
  4. Y

    Can your team work on Customization?

    Hi, I want to buy this tool, but I would like to pay for some customization to the UI. I would like the following: (a) Ability to expire images after a specified date. (b) Ability to resize images on upload. For example, during registration, a user is given a choice to select the size of the...