• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

cover image

  1. mikaa

    Thumbnail/Cover improvement

    💡Describe your Feature request Hi, I have an idea that's probably already been proposed: I find that the cover/thumbnail system on an album isn't intuitive for the user. I think it would be easier to choose your cover/thumbnail by clicking directly on the album, without having to enter the...
  2. Andy

    Blank homepage after upgrading to 3.20.x

    Is it because we're now forced to 'Add new cover image'? To reproduce the issue: Visit the Chevereto home page with Style set to the Landing page.
  3. R

    Increasing homepage cover image size limit

    I am trying to upload the cover image. However, it is showing that I cannot upload an image which is bigger than 2 mb for the cover image. Please let me know the step to increase this setting.