• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Rogeros

    Help with embedding comment code

    Hello I have a request for help. I found a very simple and light comment system without logging in and with simple moderation (cusdis.com). Unfortunately, the problem is that when I add the code below, the comment system works but does not recognize the commented page correctly, as a result...
  2. H

    Comment function

    Hello, I would like to see a built-in comment function. I've read about it several times, but abdisquser has apparently never been implemented. Discus and Facebook are simply not the solution
  3. J

    Enable comments on chevereto

    Buenas tardes Estoy tratando de habilitar la opción de comentarios en las fotos cargadas, pero no puedo encontrarla. Además, ¿me gustaría saber si esa opción es premium? He estado revisando el registro de cambios, pero no pude encontrar nada. Thank you very much for your attention.
  4. Rodolfo


    A comment system. Target release 4.X References https://chevereto.com/community/threads/allow-comments-on-photos.8093/ https://chevereto.com/community/threads/integrated-native-comment-system.7323/ https://chevereto.com/community/threads/up-down-vote-comments.7290/...
  5. G

    commentics.org integration

    As i'm in no way willing to use Disqus or Facebook for commenting, i would give the comment system of commentics.org a try, as it could be self-hosted and seems to be easy to set up. I installed it to my host and added the lines mentioned in the commentics-docs to my chevereto setup: In the...
  6. Mup

    Core comment system, @mentions & notifications

    Hello Chevereto has almost everything I need for a community I have in mind, but every modern community needs proper commenting system, @mentions and notifications. Do you have any plans implementing these options? Thanks