• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Wolfspyre

    provide the proper callback uri as a `click-to-copy` per login provider in the Admin UI

    Describe your feature request The process of setting up login providers isn't egregiously complicated, however I think that it might make things a little easier for the average user if the expected callback URL was amalgamated (proto)+(site)+/connect/(provider)/ and provided for the user...
  2. Wolfspyre

    Articulate the strategy Site admins should employ for managing multiple orthogonal cohorts of images,

    I believe there is a legitimate use case for the pattern of one chevereto database (and PERHAPS) one deployment of the php app supporting multiple sibling image cohort contexts… I don't have a STRONG idea of how best to achieve the desired goal of: I have distinct bubbles of contextually...
  3. Imagelli

    3.20.0 Bugs - Can't upload custom logo

    ▶ Reproduction steps Select a custom homepage logo Click Save 😢 Unexpected result Error. 📃 Error log message Aw, snap! Internal Server Error [debug @ print,error_log] - https://v3-docs.chevereto.com/setup/troubleshoot/debug.html ** errorId #293a3d02f245c5d7 ** At...
  4. D

    Configure User Pages to Show Admin Albums by Default

    Hello all, Is it possible to configure user accounts to show the most recent images or albums posted by the album by default? I'm using Cheverto to share photos with people, but users will not be uploading their own photos and have no need to access their profile by default.
  5. myVortexServersNetworks

    New More Features for Settings

    As you know, in the dashboard and I notice something missing: 1) Ability to update 404.gif on the fly through admin dashboard 2) Ability to limit how much storage for users (Unless its already in works for v4?, if so, ingore this) 3) Page should have ready pre installed header/footer in all...
  6. Nikolay Nikolov

    I want to upload images in a given user profile, while logged as administrator

    🎯Description of the issue I want to upload images in a given user profile, while logged as administrator. Is that possible already? If not, can it be implemented? ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Login as admin. Go to user profile. Try to upload picture. 😢Unexpected result Uploaded images go to...
  7. P

    Allow admin to set anon upload by default as private

    💡Describe your suggestion There should be an option for the admin to set anonymous uploads as private the image should not be public by default.
  8. abda53

    New here - is this really the attitude of the chevereto staff?

    https://chevereto.com/community/threads/separate-css-js-and-or-webfont-from-cdn.8267/ "Get used to it. When you use a CDN you need to manually purge stuff or append a timestamp string to force re-cache. In every update Chevereto changes the timestamp of those, allowing the cache to refresh but...
  9. D

    Why can't I move images to other albums (even as admin)

    I have a problem with the album management in Chevereto. I uploaded an image to the demo (http://demo.chevereto.com/i/Hls), which was added to the Private upload 2017-01-09 album. When I click on Edit image details, I can't move the file to another album other then MyUserName's images. That is...
  10. T

    Admin user as user (Privacy)

    I've noticed that in 3.7.2 there is a section in the admin dashboard to view all images/albums. I would like to propose that given that fact, normal admin navigation of the site is treated as though they are normal users. Which means when they explore, if there are images they wouldn't normally...