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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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Hey there, I’m confirming the ongoing development of Chevereto v4.3.0 (Entrador). This new release adds chunked uploads and many other stuff that I will be posting in this topic. Chevereto Entrador aims to improve on big file uploads, 360 media compatibility, support for more external providers, etc. I've a mix of random small features that I will pack in this release, which I will be developing for about two months. Feel free to participate in RFC.
I've announced Big File Upload for Chevereto v4.3.0. https://blog.chevereto.com/upcoming/big-file-upload/ Feel free to share your thoughts.
Chevereto 4.2.5 2025-01-31 Added putenv to integrity-check Fixed "Twitter" branding assets to "X" Fixed bug in account confirmation process Fixed bug in guest owned content editing Fixed bug in search functionality Fixed bug in tags per file limitation Fixed bug with not working local storage in Chevereto Lite Links Chevereto 4.2 (Regio) Chevereto V4.2.5 Release Chevereto V4.2.5 Announcement