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[Unofficial] Very Simple Plugin System


👽 Chevereto Freak
Here is an Unofficial contribution of chevereto that will allow me to create mods for you very more easily.

All of my contributions will need the following, so I suggest to add it ;)

Open includes/chevereto.php

find : (near line 47 )
define('__CHV_PATH_THEME__', __CHV_PATH_THEMES__.$config['theme'].'/');

add after:

find : ( Near line 73 )
/*** Include the core functions ***/
if(!@include_once(__CHV_FILE_FUNCTIONS__)) die('Can\'t find '.__CHV_FILE_FUNCTIONS__);

add after :
/*** Make sur the Mods folder exist ***/
if (!file_exists(__CHV_PATH_MODS__))
	@mkdir(__CHV_PATH_MODS__, 0755);

/*** Include the mods ***/
foreach (glob(__CHV_PATH_MODS__."*.php") as $file)
I'm a coder too, instead of creating the same thing for a 'Plugin System' with different variables, permission to use yours as long as we note required: Very Simple Plugin by Danny.Domb in any mods people require to use yours?
Cory said:
I'm a coder too, instead of creating the same thing for a 'Plugin System' with different variables, permission to use yours as long as we note required: Very Simple Plugin by Danny.Domb in any mods people require to use yours?

Of course ;)