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Sebi.host -⚡ Lightning Fast, Free & Easy Image Hosting Without Limits. ❤️


Chevereto Member
Introducing Sebi.Host!

Screenshot 2024-09-11 103917.png

Sebi.host is a free to use image hosting service recently open to the public! I'm excited to share this project with the world! Backed by a leading class S3 provider and a dedicated front end sebi.host should be able to handle scale great. Give it a shot, I look forward to seeing you!

Coming Soon:
- Total image count
- Better API
- More moderators
- Better homepage with about section
- More customizations

Give us a follow:
- 🐦Twitter (X)
- 🐘Mastodon
- 🦋Bluesky


What size uploads do you allow?

20Mb for registered members and 12Mb for guests.

Do you allow NSFW (Adult) images?
All legal NSFW (Adult) Images are allowed as long as they are marked as unsafe using the "Not family safe" checkbox upon uploading

Do images expire, disappear or auto delete?
Not unless you mark them as such, images will be uploaded forever.

Why don't you have explore/random enabled?
Not likely until Chevereto allows hiding NSFW albums (Where the Album cover is clearly NSFW and will appear in explore/recent anyway.)

What powers sebi.host?
We are running a powerful front end server attached to a high speed S3 backend for storage. I've decided not to use a CDN for now, as I don't think it's necessary at this time.

What's with the cat?
Sebi is the name of my cat, and the name actually started as a joke, but soon enough it stuck. Sebi.host it is.

How can I get in contact with you?
Email us at contact@sebi.host