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    Please keep in mind:

Scales and compresses uploaded image files & Watermarks them if desired


Chevereto Member
If there's one thing that can give active communities a hard time, it's lots and lots of large image attachments.
Hardly any users bother to scale images to a "reasonable" size before uploading, let alone compress the image files before uploading.
The result is gigabyte-sized backups and (especially in the mobile area) unnecessarily high loading times.

The following is a list of functions that would make sense.

Propotional scaling of image files to defined maximum dimensions. (optionally adjustable)
Server-side scaling (optionally adjustable)
File renaming
Text watermark
Image watermarking
Restore & post-processing from file attachment overview in dashboard
Cronjob for postprocessing of already uploaded image files
"Task" for post-processing of already uploaded image files in dashboard
Conversion of HEIF/HEIC files (optionally adjustable)
Conversion of WebP files (optionally adjustable)
Conversion of BMP files (optionally adjustable)
Conversion of AVIF files (optionally adjustable)
Conversion of JXL files (optionally adjustable)
Removal of EXIF data from JPEG files (optionally adjustable)
Compression of JPEG files using external and locally installed tools
Compression PNG files using external and locally installed tools
Compression of GIF files using external and locally installed tools
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