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Routing Username Subdomain Wildcard Issue


Chevereto Member
Dear All,

I have a little issue with Routing Username Wildcard, i have successfully setup wildcard and running for username.domain.com then found issue if pointing to username in image listing then show double username become username.username.domain.com. How to resolve this issue?

Example: https://jokosableng.chinaspirit.info/explore/recent

I attach picture, sorry if my english bad cause i'm not native.



  • Screenshot_163.png
    589.4 KB · Views: 10
Dear All,

I have a little issue with Routing Username Wildcard, i have successfully setup wildcard and running for username.domain.com then found issue if pointing to username in image listing then show double username become username.username.domain.com. How to resolve this issue?

Example: https://jokosableng.chinaspirit.info/explore/recent

I attach picture, sorry if my english bad cause i'm not native.

your not supposto be under explore/recent under username wildcard. when visiting username wildcard it should only load users profile and nothing else. Then when you click explore it should leave wildcard url and go to maindomain.com/explore/recent and not stay at username.maindomain.com

Update: checked your site and you have done it all wrongly. I can see your main site loads on users wildcard as well. that is all wrong.
your not supposto be under explore/recent under username wildcard. when visiting username wildcard it should only load users profile and nothing else. Then when you click explore it should leave wildcard url and go to maindomain.com/explore/recent and not stay at username.maindomain.com

Update: checked your site and you have done it all wrongly. I can see your main site loads on users wildcard as well. that is all wrong.
Thanks for reply, but please can you explain which part i do mistake for settings wildcard? cause i just setup enable for wildcard subdomain username in settings->routing and then settings CORS and wildcard for this.
Thanks for reply, but please can you explain which part i do mistake for settings wildcard? cause i just setup enable for wildcard subdomain username in settings->routing and then settings CORS and wildcard for this.
hard to see how you have setted it from here, when your not giving enough information like pic of settings you put and so on.
hard to see how you have setted it from here, when your not giving enough information like pic of settings you put and so on.
I just follow instruction in highlighted instruction (attach screenshot), then I installed wildcard SSL use lets encrypt with config *.domain.com setup DNS with txt record after that settings htaccess with below configuration

# Disable server signature

ServerSignature Off

<ifModule mod_headers.c>

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *


# Enable CORS across all your subdomains (replace dev\.local with your domain\.com)

SetEnvIf Origin ^(https?://.+\.chinaspirit\.info(?::\d{1,5})?)$   CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN=$1

Header append Access-Control-Allow-Origin  %{CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN}e   env=CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN

Header merge  Vary "Origin"

# Disable directory listing (-indexes), Multiviews (-MultiViews)

Options -Indexes

Options -MultiViews

Maybe you can help me from which step i missing?



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