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Removing the restriction on albums


Chevereto Member
Hello everyone, I encountered a problem, the user has about 300 albums, and when creating an album, he cannot upload photos to this album, having found two topics related to this limitation, I tried to remove the limit, from 300 to 1000, but this did not help, the user also cannot upload photos to albums, I searched almost everywhere where this limitation of 300 albums can be found, but except for the file "User.php" I did not find anything, please help, if it is not difficult, tell me in which files I need to change to remove this limitation, thanks in advance.
I changed only this line in the file from 300 to 0
Important clarification: photos are not uploaded to the sub-album
$db->bind(':limit', intval(env()['CHEVERETO_MAX_USER_ALBUMS_LIST'] ?? 0));
Я не очень хорош в настройках кода.
Topics related to the problem №1
Topics related to the problem №2
I use a translator
Last edited:
The problem was solved by simply adding 'CHEVERETO_MAX_USER_ALBUMS_LIST' to the env.php file, it looks something like this
Before the change

return [
    'CHEVERETO_DB_HOST' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_NAME' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PASS' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PORT' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_USER' => '',
After the change

return [
    'CHEVERETO_DB_HOST' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_NAME' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PASS' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PORT' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_USER' => '',
Using translator
The problem was solved by simply adding 'CHEVERETO_MAX_USER_ALBUMS_LIST' to the env.php file, it looks something like this
Before the change

return [
    'CHEVERETO_DB_HOST' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_NAME' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PASS' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PORT' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_USER' => '',
After the change

return [
    'CHEVERETO_DB_HOST' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_NAME' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PASS' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_PORT' => '',
    'CHEVERETO_DB_USER' => '',
Using translator