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    Please keep in mind:

Really Simple PopUp Ad


Chevereto Member
This may be usefull for people who own several websites or whatever. When users comes to your site and click somewhere, a popup opens and loads another site of your choice.

To install this unzip the attached archive and upload the .js file to your site root or wherever you want. Then go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Banners and place this code in the field Before main title (Homepage).

<script type="text/javascript" src="./popup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Light.Popup.create('https://www.otherwebsitename.com/', {onNewTab: false});

That's all, you're done 😀

You also can customize the code a little bit...
{onNewTab: true} -> Opens a new tab
{onNewTab: false} -> Opens a new window

To change the window size just add...
{width: 1100, height: 850, onNewTab: false}

Hope you like it 😉

