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Improve Media Information Bar [background color, type, views, likes]


🥳 chevereto fan 🍕
💡Describe your Feature request

Add a background color to the information bar of all the media. Currently the navigation information bar is transparent. Sometimes i am not able to read the information such as the name because the media background is white and the information bar text is color is also white.

Add more information to the information bar such as the media type, views & # of likes because currently we are not able to see the media type, views or # of likes unless we click on it.

👏Where did you saw this?

I noticed this problem because I enjoy looking through the homepage of the recently uploaded media and reading the information bar before i click on the media but because the information bar is transparent so sometimes it's not possible to read the description. I see this issue on everyone's Chevereto installation.

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Current media information bar


Current Media Information Bar type, views & likes:


After type, views & likes: