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    • Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
    • Confirm that the server meets the System Requirements
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    • Read documentation - It will be required to Debug and understand Errors for a faster support response

How to remove this annoying tag?

I couldn't see an easy way to hide this, nothing in the back end as far as I can see.

Consequently, for now, I copied the file api_v1.php located in:


and placed it in the theme overrides:


Then I edited the file and removed all the content after <div class="text-content"> and before <?php require_theme_footer(); ?>

In it's place I added the following line: <p>Our API is currently disabled.</p>

So basically it does not get rid of the menu item but nothing shows anymore.

There really needs to some way to turn off that menu item in the dashboard.
This menu can be removed by removing some code in /content/legacy/themes/Peafowl/header.php

It is best to copy the file into /overrides/ to keep the change with future updates.

Once you have copied the header.php into /overrides/ edit the header.php and around line 382 remove this section:

                    if (getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'public' || (getSetting('website_privacy_mode') == 'private' && Login::isLoggedUser())) {
                            if (Handler::var('pages_link_visible')) {
                        <li data-nav="about" class="phone-hide pop-btn pop-keep-click">
                            <span class="top-btn-text">
                                <span class="icon far fa-question-circle"></span><span class="btn-text phone-hide phablet-hide laptop-hide tablet-hide desktop-hide"><?php _se('About'); ?></span>
                            <div class="pop-box arrow-box arrow-box-top anchor-right">
                                <div class="pop-box-inner pop-box-menu">
                                                    foreach (Handler::var('pages_link_visible') as $page) {
                                            <li<?php if ($page['icon']) {
                                                            echo ' class="with-icon"';
                                                        } ?>><a <?php echo ($page['link_attr'] ?? ''); ?>><?php echo ($page['title_html'] ?? ''); ?></a>
                                                    } ?>
                            } ?>
                    } ?>

This will remove the (?) menu completely.

If you want to have this toggled by an admin option within settings drop me a message and I will give you the files you need to edit.