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    Please keep in mind:

greater flexibility of presentation components, and the combining of them


Chevereto Member
SPECIFICALLY, I am hoping for more options around the homepage layout(s)...

Current homepage options are:

  • Landing Page
  • Split Landing/Photos
  • Route Explore
  • Route Upload


Provide a few more options, or components that can be enabled on the home page.

provide a few different page modules which one can use to create a few other pages

provide options to control which "home page components" are presented for authed/non-authed users


  • Split segment heights (how tall should the segments be default)
  • Split landing+albums
  • Split landing+categories
  • Split Featured-albums-row+photos_of_(include or exclude list of albums/categories/tags/users)
  • Split landing+albums_with_tag_x
  • Split landing+albums_of_(include or exclude list of albums/categories/tags/users)
  • Split landing+photos_of_(include or exclude list of albums/categories/tags/users)
  • Split landing+Featured-albums-row+photos_of_(include or exclude list of albums/categories/tags/users)
  • Split Featured-albums-row+photos_of_(include or exclude list of albums/categories/tags/users)

And provide some more knobs around how the specified content-type is sorted...

some random pseudo ideas around ways to allow the site-admin to influence content presentation:

  • all items from each cohort of content before showing any content from $nextcohort
  • even distribution of $cohorts
(eg: Show images from (user.1, user.2, user.3)
- user.1/(user.1_img1)
- user.2/(user.2_img1)
- user.3/(user.3_img1)
- user.1/(user.1_img2)
- user.2/(user.2_img2)
- user.3/(user.3_img2)
- by user/
- show all user1 imgs before proceeding to user2 imgs
  • alphabetically
  • popularity split
  • age
  • random

Essentially, I want a mechanism to more granularly curate the content shown to guest/cohorts of users.
- Allow for different settings based on:
- is the viewing client a reg'ed user?
- is the viewing client arriving with a cookie from someplace else that can be used to segment the viewing cohort

I think the easiest(?) way to accomplish this might be to create a couple different "presentation logic engines" (currently "images" is one) this would allow someone to optionally enable an engine and play with it in a limited scope so as to not break existing administrators' deployments

I can expound more on this if desired, but thot it would be enough meat for the idea.

Where did you see this?
my mind? 🙂

Community interest
I know that I'd like this.