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Converting Apache2 to Nginx


Chevereto Member
I am currently and slowly porting all my websites from Apache2 (2.4.41) to Nginx (1.27.3). Everything has gone (for the most part) smoothly except Chevereto.

Apache2 is still using ports 80 and 443. Nginx is on ports 81 and 444.

When I added my conf for Chevereto into Nginx, the website "loads", but it doesn't. When inspecting the browser console, all the resources are trying to be served using chevereto.my.domain:444.

I would love to know why it is trying that, but the better question to ask is: how can I overcome this?

Other info:
  • Chevereto v4.2.4
  • PHP 8.2 FPM
I am currently and slowly porting all my websites from Apache2 (2.4.41) to Nginx (1.27.3). Everything has gone (for the most part) smoothly except Chevereto.

Apache2 is still using ports 80 and 443. Nginx is on ports 81 and 444.

When I added my conf for Chevereto into Nginx, the website "loads", but it doesn't. When inspecting the browser console, all the resources are trying to be served using chevereto.my.domain:444.

I would love to know why it is trying that, but the better question to ask is: how can I overcome this?

Other info:
  • Chevereto v4.2.4
  • PHP 8.2 FPM
I'm new to Nginx as well but I had a look at my config and it appears that you should be able to run on those test ports. Could it be that problem lies in the secure port 444. Perhaps the ssl won't work on anything but 443.
I'm new to Nginx as well but I had a look at my config and it appears that you should be able to run on those test ports. Could it be that problem lies in the secure port 444. Perhaps the ssl won't work on anything but 443.
I’m not new… all my other php-fpm websites I’ve converted work as intended. Just for whatever reason this one isn’t using port 443 (which it should).

Should probably mention I have sslh in between router and nginx that routes the converted sites to nginx port 444 and all those not converted to apache2 port 443.