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Chevereto "Home Feed" of everything that is happening


🥳 chevereto fan 🍕
💡Describe your Feature request

I would like to see a home feed of everything that is going on inside my chevereto website.
For example the home feed should have the most recent thing that has happened.
-- user "james" signed up
-- user "amy" uploaded a new "video" called "racing cars"
-- user "jb" just "liked" a picture called "video games"
-- user "amy" created a new album called "clothes"

👏Where did you saw this?

xenforo, facebook, many website have a home feed of everything that is happening on the website

🔥Interest outside our community

users love home feeds because it makes them feel like a community and they are able to see everything that is happening. It also makes them want to come back often to see what new thing is happening on the website.

Here is a picture of a home feed.


You can click on the videos and pictures, new users.

My design skills are not so great. Maybe someone can improve it but i think now anyone is able to understand my suggestion.