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Called Signed URLs


Chevereto Member
Describe your feature request

I have ran this suggestion past @Rodolfo if it would be possible to add this request if enough members show interest.

This RFC which I am suggesting is to enable the option to serve your images/files outside of /public_html to inside your server to stop non registered members viewing/downloading your premium content, example:


What this allows you to potentially do is stop anyone that is not a member to sign up to a paid subscription.

Guests that click on a Thumbnail or Medium image would be forwarded to your Signup / Registration page.

The problem here is that people can enable the Developer Console and sniff around and find where the Full sized image is located and download/view it.

If the Image/File is served from within your server ( /home/files ) they would not be able to view it.

Where did you see this?

I have a monetised Chevereto site where Guests that click on a Thumbnail are directed to the Registration page. I was doing some research and there is software like Amember Pro for $100 that does what this RFC does (With a lot of other features though) I will wait to see if there is enough interest to have this RFC accepted before I buy the software.

Community interest

Hopefully there will be a lot of interest with this RFC with the potential to Monetise your Chevereto...