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Blurred NSFW content only viewable by registered users.


Chevereto Member
💡Describe your Feature request

Hello, I would like for adult content to show blurred and only viewable when signed in and enabled in settings. Blurred NSFW content is still easily viewable by guests and I would like to restrict them to only users who want to view these images. Removing them entirely makes guests think that there are no images to see (ex. blank in an album) so user retention is dropped. If there is an image that attracts users, having a message saying "You must be logged in to view adult content" and subsequently "You must enable NSFW content in your settings" will boost user registrations and rentention

👏Where did you saw this?

DeviantArt, https://civitai.com/, reddit, twitter, etc.

🔥Interest outside our community

Other major platforms do this in order to protect their users and also to gain new registrations on the platform