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    Please keep in mind:

Articulate the strategy Site admins should employ for managing multiple orthogonal cohorts of images,


Chevereto Member
I believe there is a legitimate use case for the pattern of one chevereto database (and PERHAPS) one deployment of the php app supporting multiple sibling image cohort contexts…

I don't have a STRONG idea of how best to achieve the desired goal of:
I have distinct bubbles of contextually related images: (a smattering of examples)

  • There's images of our resin art
  • There's images of our lichtenberg art
  • There's images of mechanical projects i've built
  • There's myriad projects of bundles of local SI generated images
  • There's (obvs the most important) pics of our pups
  • There's comical random images
  • There's images of random life events

I want to be able to, as an admin/user manage these different contexts in a way that's coherent, and not overly toilsome…
I ALSO want users/viewers to be able to see images that are relevant to their visit… without presenting them with a horde of images completely unrelated to their reason for being there...

Maybe I do that by having different vhosts; and there's a way to declare an association between $vhost and (category,tag,group,user):
  • Feature this (category,tag,group,user)
  • Don't feature this (category,tag,group,user)
  • Hide this (category,tag,group,user)

Maybe i do that by having different chev containers, but the ability to have users' privilege able to span some or all of them (depending)_

This is INTENTIONALLY somewhat vague because there's multiple ways to enable the general functionality and i don't want to be too prescriptive

Where did you see this?

Well, Noplace REALLY, excepy my imagination

Community interest
